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Clayton Bryant Music Presents:

The 2016 George "Rastarr" Walker STARRS Basketball:  Education, Sports & Entertainment Awards

A Tribute to Mr. David "Sam" Daise

Mr. Ernest Taylor Sr. & Mr. Sidney "Sid" Davis Sr.

Honorary Awards

Mr. Thabiti Boone, Mr. Cal Ramsey, Mr. Odessa Turner, Mr. Darrell Reid, 

Mr. Rodger Murray,  Ms. Rowena Husbands, Mr. George "RaStarr" Walker,

Mr. Clayton Bryant, Ms. Desha L. Jackson ESQ, Mr. Bernard Bowen, Ms. Tamara Laine,  

Mr. Carl Oneil Gray, Ms. Brittany Bonesteel, Mr. William "Bill" Bianco,

Mr. John Blassingame, Mr. Floyd "Skip" Branch


Saturday, April 16th -   Performing Mr. Clayton Bryant at:  

Feinsteins Below 254 West 54 Street,

Cellar, New York, N/Y. 10019 (646) 476 3551


            Press Check in  8:30-9:00pm Sharp Feinsteins 54/Below Upstairs

            8:45pm-9:25pm - Award Winners Announcements
            9:30pm-10:45pm - Clayton Bryant Performance

           11:00pm After Concert VIP Meet and Greet & Photo Sessions No Admission Fee

           at The Press Lounge

           (Inside Ink 48 Hotel) 47th & 48th Streets @ 653 11th Ave 16th Floor New York, NY              10036 212-757-2224


You May Encounter Many Defeats, But You Must Not Be Defeated!

- Maya Angelou 

A life is not important except in the impact it has on other lives.

-Jack Roosevelt "Jackie" Robinson

Education is the Highway to the STARRS!
Our Mission Statement

Our goal is and always will be, is to offer a empowering, enriching and sustainable alternatives to the powerful lure of fast money, the illicit side of urban street culture and violence.  Welcoming any youth that will listen and respond, regardless of their racial, sexual, religious, economic or cultural background or orientation. 

What Is SESE Awards All About?
Our Mission Statement

This night we will be honoring Men, Women and Children from the Tri - State Area who have through their own sound judgment, positive personal attitudes, aptitude to recognize key life opportunities and sound advice. Individuals and mentoring teams that have overcome insurmountable odds and not only survive the street, of their regions, but prosper in school, work, community, faith and family to become next generation mentors in the tradition of "Each One Teach One" a local mentoring program founded by friend and mentor Mr. Cal  Ramsey of the New York Knicks who along with Ernie Morris enriched the Harlem community.  Mr. Rodger Murray Educator and  Scorekeeper for the New York Knicks (NBA), New York Liberty (WNBA) is a product of "Each One Teach One" is to be honored.   Mr. Cal Ramsey  N.Y. Knicks Director of Community Relations, was a Professional Basketball Player and Sportscaster for the New York Knicks but he was always a familiar face in the community and he knew his roots and community.  A extraordinary role model and friend of the community.  A perfect example of the success of Mentoring and Coaching is, Mr. Walker's Holcombe Rucker teammate who met through Sam's cooperation with Steve, Mr. Bowen's youth basketball coach, and formed a lifetime friendship spanning 45 years. One of the most successful, and influential individuals to come out of the East Harlem Community, Mr. Bernard Bowen Formerly with N.Y. Knicks, and NY Corporate & Lawyers Basketball League is to be honored as well. Mr. Bowen has mentored and coached across the United States.  All will receive honorary "Mentoring for Life Awards."

​The purpose of this evening is appreciation! Recognition of the "Unsung" heroes in the theme of Mr. Carl Gray's YG&B Awards and CNN's Heros Awards... A time to thank those who don't seek thanks or recognition but by their compassion, dedication and commitment, refuse to let our youth be left alone with no support, protection, direction and or be abandoned to be left vulnerable to those who have ill intentions.  Appreciation, Giving, Family and Community Uplift are to be embraced and celebrated.. This event is not about fame or fortune, it is about PRIDE! Be proud of your selfless deeds because these deeds alone define us all. 

This night is a tribute to the men/women that never lost faith in Mr. Walker and through their unconditional love, always defended, supported, encouraged, and navigated Mr. Walker through the "Highway to the Starrs"! Inspiring him to continue a tradition of Mentoring and Coaching. A father figure  Mr. David "Sam" Daise - The Creator of the Destroyer! responsible for cultivating the skills of Street ball Phenomenon Joe Hammond and Mr. Walker, a man who overcame his own disability to become a "Unsung" Coaching Legend. A man we respectfully called "One Eyed Sam."  We all loved "Sam" and he is an ambassador of New York game.  "Sam" can go nowhere with out being spotted and greeted with love, respect and admiration, a testament to all the good he has done, to how widespread his scope and influence actually was.  Mr. Daise,  man we say just never got old and still looks the same as when we were kids. Coach to the Pros and their kids, featured in numerous books, Films, Documentaries and Television shows, will be receipent of the highest SESE Award "The Mentoring for Life" Award. Tonight is about him.  His unselfish dedication to youth for over 65 years set a standard for quality basketball instruction, youth mentoring and unconditional and unselfish commitment to youth! He has received countless awards, yet we hope this one he holds dearest!  Posthumously celebrated will be Mr. Ernest "Mr. Ernie" Taylor Sr. a Baker who feed treats to the community unselfishly, as he served his players. (Johnson Houses Football Coach) and Mr. Sidney "Sid"  Davis (father of Stephanie Davis International Kingdome Basketball Empire) These two close friends were always sharing their wisdom with the youth in the community.   Both will be honored with the "Mentoring for Life" Award

SESE Awards: Where Great Minds Reunite

Dinner. Networking, Drinks, Red Carpet, Concert, Awards


Over 20 Nominees


7 Honorary Awards


OVER 3000
Twitter Likes


Over 4000 Twitter Impressions a week
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